Gun Wayz

2021. As a serial killer with an illegally bought gun is breaking into a families home, a father is left with no weapon suitable enough to protect his whole family due to gun control laws that ended his chances of legally owning a gun. What a thought. This is a scenario that is possible and why it is very important as to why guns should not be taken away completely. A family owning a gun comes with a sense of protection when placed in responsible hands. There are several scenarios similar to this involving terrorist, burglars, etc. Parents making the decision to buy a gun for their household is similar to installing a security system. Hunting is also a very popular activity. Hunting is acceptable in our society. No one should be able to stop another from hunting his own food. And as humans, we have become advanced enough to use guns to hunt. Humans are sophisticated enough to use a gun to hunt without hurting another individual. Gun safety is always important at all times when hunting. These are just two out of the several reasons why guns should not be taken away completely. Guns can be vital to a family and to our society.

Although on December 12, 2012, 27 innocent lives were taken by a gun. The Sandy Hook Shooting shook our country as 20 kids and 7 adults were murdered. American Adam Lanza killed his mom with her own semi-auto rifle and then drove to Sandy Hook Elementary school to continue his spree. The details of his actions made me come to tears and should’ve changed gun laws 4 years ago.

1,210 mass shootings later, 50 innocent lives are taken at a gay bar. A terrorist purchased a glock and an assault rifle within two weeks before the shooting. It’s not hard for someone to purchase weapons from a gun dealership legally. Watching a video from outside the club during the massacre shows the horror as you can hear the gunman releasing round after round non stop. Assault rifles are not needed. This was the deadliest mass shooting in history. 4 years and nothing has changed. Citizens are being slain by guns and mourning and prayers are the only result. No change. Something is wrong if this is continuing to happen, as other countries such as The UK and Canada are not suffering from such. The American people need help and change so this does not continue. Preventing the innocent deaths of Americans should be top priority of our government but 4 years have shown not much hope.

With President Obama backing gun control, the issue is getting the laws past congress which is critically fueled by support from the NRA. Funding the congress allows the NRA to have a say on basically all guns laws. Humanity will hopefully step up soon and come together to bring a change on gun laws. Ban purchase of automatic rifles for basically anyone. A single shot rifle or pistol is more than enough to protect a family or go hunting. An automatic rifle should not be able to be easily purchased at a dealership. Americans must call for action to bring change. Do whatever you can to change the minds of lawmakers.

As no change happens, Americans continue to live with a threat of gun violence everyday as the continuous mass shootings are proof. Wake up humanity and no one is trying to take your guns away. Americans are calling out for help from lawmakers and hopefully the lawmakers listen to prevent future innocent deaths.